Community guidelines

  • Tip

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  • Replace the texts in CAPITAL LETTERS
  • Delete unused alternatives
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The provider aims to enable an equal, harmonious, and pleasant experience for all participants in using these community features. To achieve this, the following community guidelines apply to the use of these features:

1. Rules for posting comments and reactions


  • Respectful interaction
    Respectful interaction forms the basis of a community. You should therefore refrain from any form of disrespect towards other users, the provider's staff, or other third parties. This particularly applies to derogatory, discriminatory, or ridiculing remarks with regard to a person's race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or ideology, disability, age, or sexual identity. 
  • Forms of expression
    Please ensure that you use appropriate forms of expression and language. Foul language, swear words as well as obscene or ambiguous language will not be tolerated.

Objectivity and relevance

  • Please ensure that the content you post is related to the topic, although posting divergent opinions is expressly permitted within the bounds of legal limits and common decency. Individual organizational questions should be discussed directly with the provider at EMAIL ADDRESS.
  • Please ensure that your comments are factual. Deliberate dissemination of false information, insinuations, or suspicions is prohibited by the moderators. Constructive discussions are expressly permitted, however, provided they are conducted in a respectful and objective manner with verifiable arguments.

Illegal content

  • You are personally responsible for compliance with laws and other legal regulations. Please refrain from making any statements that could be construed as defamation, slander, insult, incitement, or damage to credit. Any form of incitement to criminal activities is strictly prohibited.
  • Posting copyrighted content is prohibited. This particularly applies to the posting of links that enable the illegal downloading of copyrighted material.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the author to avoid any criminal interpretation of posted content. This also applies if the posted content has previously been checked by the provider.
  • The provider points out that, upon request from law enforcement authorities, there is an obligation to disclose your data for the purpose of investigating criminal offenses.

Use of data by third parties

  • The use of personal data of third parties is prohibited. This especially applies to information concerning the most personal aspects of the personal concerned (e.g. health, sexual orientation, political views, etc.).

Spam and advertising

  • The use of community features for advertising is only permitted with the prior written consent of the provider. This applies regardless of whether the advertising is for your own or for third-party purposes.
  • Repeatedly posting the same content (spamming) or posting a disproportionate amount of content (flooding) is not permitted.

Real name obligation

  • Delete unused alternatives
  • Alternative 1:
    You are obliged to post content using your real name only.
  • Alternative 2:
    Posting under a pseudonym or using your initials is permitted. However, the selection of a pseudonym is only permitted to the extent that there is no possibility of being mistaken for a third person within the context of the post. The chosen pseudonym must also not violate other provisions of these community guidelines.

2. Moderation rules

Approval of content

  • Delete unused alternatives
  • Alternative 1:
    Every post is checked by the provider before it becomes visible to the rest of the community. If the post contains content that is not in accordance with these community guidelines, the provider is entitled to deny approval.
  • Alternative 2:
    Your posts will be directly visible to the rest of the community. However, the provider reserves the right to subsequently restrict or delete posts that violate these community guidelines.

Options for reporting content

If you notice any posts that violate the content of these community guidelines, you can report them to us as follows:

  • Replace the texts in CAPITAL LETTERS


Your message will then be checked by the provider. Feedback regarding the result of the check is not sent to the notifier.

Complaints about the blocking of your content

If you are affected by a restriction or blocking of your content, you have the following rights:

You have the possibility to complain:

  • Replace the texts in CAPITAL LETTERS


Your complaint will then be reviewed by the provider. You will receive feedback once the review is complete.

3. Consequences for violating the community guidelines

Restriction of availability and erasure

  • If one or more posted content items violate the provisions of these community guidelines, the provider is entitled to restrict or permanently delete the content.
  • The provider is entitled to temporarily restrict reported content for review.
  • The provider is obliged to notify the author of the restriction or erasure of the content.

Blocking a user

  • If a user repeatedly violates the community guidelines, they will be blocked from using the community features.
  • If the violation of the community guidelines is a criminal offense, the user may be blocked even after a single violation.

Criminal charge

  • The provider reserves the right to report any criminal behavior to the competent authorities.

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